Morning session: N/A
Evening session: 6.03 miles
Total distance: 6.03 miles
No early run since I went to church, and not much running in the evening, either, since I drove to the gym. Lucky thing, too, since no one showed to play ball. Kids around here have no dedication these days. Lazy schmucks.
From 1998-2003, Sunday ball in Pretty Prairie was legit. Nowadays, it's still us old school cats spearheading it, while the High School blokes come up with a new excuse every single time. And the guys on the basketball team are the worst ones, at that. Frustrating, to say the least. No matter, got a little run in out in the country, instead. All-in-all, a bit of a letdown today in the running department.
Movie now: The Waterboy.
Adam Sandler is one funny hombre. In case you didn't know.

And since tonight's blog is short, and I may have finished my last VHS sports movie by blog-time tomorrow...
The next, and final sports flick of the month: Jerry Maguire.
The only time Tom Cruise has been, and ever will be tolerable, in my opinion. Pretty solid flick, though.

Don't feel like thinkin' too hard tonight, so this will be a short, easy one...
Tonight's Top 10 list:
Top 10 favorite sports (to watch):
10. LaCrosse
9. Futbol (soccer)
8. Hockey (NHL)
7. Tennis (ATP)
6. Boxing
5. Football (NCAA)
4. Basketball (NCAA)
3. Football (NFL)
2. Basketball (NBA)
1. Baseball (MLB)

The fact that baseball is #1 on my list would surprise those who don't know me too well. The reason is simple. I get too antsy when I watch basketball, and I want to play. Other than the Cubs, basketball is my true love. But I simply can't stand watching it being played poorly--on any level.
Also, boxing would be much higher if it wasn't dying out. We need more big-name, primetime boxers in the game today. It's a beautiful sport.
My beloved Cubbies won today, and the hated Cardinals got thrashed by Philly. Which means what, you ask? It means my Cubs are now in first place for the first time since April 21. They were in 4th place (4.5 games back) in the division when July began...
Don't look back, fellas!
D, out.
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