Morning session: 3.27 miles
Evening session: 8.23 miles
Total distance: 11.50 miles
The early run had to be short due to time I got up, and the time the Cubs game came on. Story of my life. *which I make zero apologies for* :)
Also, no one showed for basketball, so I had to get a little running in on the High School's track. Very different feeling, running around a quarter-mile rubberized track, rather than mile-long dirt road straights.
Meanwhile, I need to average 13.74 miles over the next 2 days in order to finish with a 100-mile week, which would be pretty sweet. Here's hoping...
Movie now: Fever Pitch. Sweet flick, and basically my life (if it were the Cubs, anyway).

Thought: Drew Barrymore is not that cute. Why do so many people think she is? It's gotta be the E.T. carryover effect, because otherwise, I don't get it. But even then, that was 27 years ago, folks. Move on.
Tonight's top 10 list:
Top 10 places to see before I die (top of my head):
10. All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club--Wimbeldon--London, England
9. Dodger Stadium--Los Angeles, CA
8. Eiffel Tower--Paris, France
7. Any random hillside--Ireland
6. The ocean--whichever
5. Water streets (not sure if they have an official name)--Venice, Italy
4. Palm trees--Hawaii
3. The beach--wherever
2. United Center--Chicago, IL (more specifically, the MJ statue outside)
1. Wrigley Field--Chicago, IL.
This will be the most clear-cut #1 of any top 10 I ever do.
D, out.
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