Monday, February 1, 2010

Just some white dude writing about Black History...

I once took an African American Literature course at Wichita State University. First day, teacher opens by saying: "In case you haven't noticed, I'm white."

Then, I laughed. But now, I make the same proclamation as I write a blog about Black History Month. I'm white.

Not only am I white, but I come from a tiny Kansas town of approximately 600 people, all white. Disclaimer aside, here are a few thoughts on race relations:

- Ignorance: I've actually heard various white people complain about Black History Month. "Why should they get their own month? Why isn't there a White History month?," they'll say. My reply; two words: Shut up.

- We have a black President. Well, sort of. He's actually as much white as he is black-- something I feel people forget about completely. But still...I'm proud to say I voted for him. Despite your political views, or my own personal doubts about whether or not I'd vote for him again, I'll never regret voting for him the first time. Change was needed, period--not just politically, but socially. [opinion]

- Some of the most fun basketball I've ever played in my life was at the YMCA in Pittsburg, KS every Sunday afternoon in the Fall of '03. It was usually me, and 35+ black guys. I saw one other white dude there--once. That was it. The way we played: If you didn't get picked, you didn't play. Ever. Several guys wound up just watching for 4 hours every week. Luckily, a guy saw me hit several shots warming up and said: "I'll take the white kid." Everyone laughed, but I played well my first game and got picked every week from then on. Fun, fun times--and some darn good basketball.

- My best black friends: Justin Rogers, Ashley Hurd, Larry Ellis.

- Most interesting racial conversations: My old roommate, Donta Cherry. Ah, brings back memories. Love that guy!

- Most annoying racial remarks: When people from my hometown see me wearing a pair of baggy shorts or a hat backwards, various folks often say: "Why are you dressing black?" or "Do you think you're black?" This is beyond stupid. Why can't it be a cultural thing vs. racial? Why can't it be a style I enjoy and find comfortable from time-to-time? Would you ever go up to a black person wearing blue jeans and ask them: "Why are you dressing white?" I very much doubt it.

- Saddest story of racism: Off the top of my head...Bobby Hutton. [click his name for link to brief Wikipedia explanation] Heard his name in one of my favorite songs of all-time, Ghetto Gospel--a collaboration by Tupac Shakur/Elton John. Did some research on him, and the story is sickening.

* Lighter note * I tried thinking of a couple light-hearted racial clips that wouldn't be offensive to anyone. I came up with a movie scene and a racial joke that shouldn't be offensive to any race, and are just funny in general. :)

- Funny movie clip:
Jerry Maguire: "I love black people! Show me the money!"
Rod Tidwell: "Congratulations, you're still my agent." HA. Freaking classic.

Joke time: The Greatest, Muhammad Ali. Enjoy.
[embedding has been disabled on this clip, so you'll have to click the link to see it]

Do the right thing,

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