1. A nice-looking damsel.
- Long hair
- Long legs
- No drama
- No baggage
- Age 20-30
- Really hot set of...morals.
2. A head coaching gig.
3. A new car. Well, truck.
4. New Basketball shoes. Adidas, size 13.
- Like this.
5. Anything Cubs
- Tickets
- Hats. Size: XL; top 2 choices: 1. This one. 2. This one.
6. Eric Church tickets
- Wichita, KS; March 26
7. New baseball glove. Big one.
8. Lose 32-36 lbs. OK, that one's on me. Ready, go!

While I'm posting...results of most recent poll:
Question: How do you interact with me most?
Facebook/MySpace: 8 votes (53%)
Text/On phone: 5 votes (33%)
In person: 1 vote (6%)
Don't know you/Random reader: 1 vote (6%)
Not surprised at this, but a little disappointing. I'll try to fix this; need to reach out a bit more to my people, I guess. ;)
Yay for pointless blogs,
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