So I'm rehabbing like T.O. before the Super Bowl, trying to heal the best I can before attempting to play in a much-anticipated 3-on-3 basketball tournament on March 27 (10 days). At my favorite place ever.

But walking is tough. You know, swelling and all. I'm past hopping, but it's still a pretty severe limp. Annoying. There are some nice bright colors on the ankle/foot area. Might be neat, if not painful. Crossing my fingers it will pass in a week. Likely? Not so much. A guy can hope, right?
Those who know me well know that I don't take medicine--for anything. Not gonna start now, either. I have my reasons. And despite what some believe, they're legit ones. So I'll have to do it the old fashioned way: Ice, elevate, etc.
Also, it's St. Patrick's Day today. Truth be told, it would have completely slipped my mind if not for all the Facebook status posts about it. Truth be told, it doesn't mean much to me. Not a drinker, and even if I was...I can barely hobble to the door, so going out at all is out of the question. Not gonna lie, it sucks.
Still, I'm wearing my green, anyway. Not that anyone's here to pinch me if I didn't...
Either way, I could use some luck lately--and not just with this darned ankle.

hang in there, derrick! if all else fails, just listen to the irish pub song over and over again - it's bound to make you feel better with it's catchy beat! :) trust me, ankle sprains are a dime-a-dozen in my line of work...just do your ankle pumps and write the alphabet (caps and lower caps!) to help push some of the swelling out. it's times like these that i wish you'd take medicine - i'd tell you take ibuprofun (not for the pain, necessarily, but more for the swelling), but sadly i know i won't get anywhere trying to convince you to take it, so i won't even waste my breath...even though it'd greatly benefit you to take it...who am i to tell you that, though?! ;) haha take care! :)