Monday, April 12, 2010

Between Twitter and a liar.

I am not a fan of Twitter. You are more than welcome to try and change my mind; I will be optimistic. Again. If anyone out there is on Twitter and knows much about it, please explain to me how it's different than a simple Facebook status update. Because so far, that--and the fact that people follow celebs to try and feel cool--are the only things I know about it.

That said, I'm giving it another try in an effort to get my blog a little more circulation and may even post a status--err, tweet, from time to time. So if you're on Twitter, feel free to follow me on there. Otherwise, it could take me awhile to find you (trying to avoid stalkerish tone). I've provided a link to the right of this blog. I'll post links to this site on there and vice versa. In a related note: I love circular logic!

Annoying news: Came across Stephanie's wedding website the other night. Oops. Curiosity killed the dumb guy, too, as further research proved that Stephanie and her soon-to-be husband were actually dating during the time she was still talking to me about getting back together, saying she still loved me, and so on. I knew it was probably soon after--had no idea the time frames actually overlapped. How trifling is that?! As I told a dear friend earlier this evening, I honestly don't care. Don't miss the girl a bit, but...what motivates a girl to be such a bold-faced liar is beyond me. [Sigh] Oh well...

And girls, before you say anything--trust me, I know you're not all like that. I'm not the kind to lump you all together; no worries!

Here's where I take the high road, and quietly wish them well. And I do.

Other news:
- The Cubs won today! It was the Home Opener. Exciting game.
- Judging a High School forensics meet tomorrow. Absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Should be fun, although I'm a little nervous. Those poor kids...

Quote of the day:
"Those who think it is permissible to tell white lies soon grow color-blind." - Austin O'Malley

Do the right thing,


  1. Sweet! Loved Forensics when I was in high school! Not surprisingly, I was a speech events guy. What events are you judging?

  2. Hey Jason! I think they've got me on a couple different ones. Starting out with IDA (thank goodness) and easing my way into it, I suppose!

  3. Some girls are just flat out mean! And odd.

    As for Twitter... ewwww :)

    And you never comment on my Blog, so why am I still commenting yours, hmmm? ;) Guess that's just the kinda friend that I am! Haha. Hope you are having a great day, Mister!

  4. I agree on the Twitter thing, Brit. Ha!

    As far as your blog goes, you don't write very often! Or at least I don't get updates about you writing much! :( way to lay the guilt trip, though! Lol, just kidding...I'll do better! Promise. :)

    Miss you.
