Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here's a quarter; can I get 3 more?

It hit me the other day. I'm almost 25 years old. A quarter of a century. Here are some thoughts I have about this:

I always wanted to be married by 25. As I have just 56 days to accomplish this, let's go ahead and chalk that up to being an unsuccessful dream. Clearly, it's time to change the goal. 27? 28? Yikes, I could be in trouble.

"Derrick, you have plenty of time..." Blah blah, hibbety jibbety.

A moment occurred last night at the High School basketball game in Pretty Prairie that made me want a daughter. I seem to have these moments more and more lately. Something about a little girl sharing a laugh with her dad--who is just two years older than I--causes me to be overcome with a mixture of hope and jealousy.

Here's a sad, yet powerful song that I've always loved. Enjoy.

I didn't set as many New Year's resolutions as I probably should have--I usually go through a stage every few months where I attempt to better myself by doing certain things. So I'll work on it for my birthday. While I was unprepared to do it at New Year's, one thing I plan to do is cut out all pop-drinking on my birthday. Ahem, March 6. I do love pop, so it is tough, but one thing I'm very proud of about myself is my willpower. So I have no doubts about my ability to do it. I will not drink pop for a year, at least.
My record: 1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 3 days. (Dec 10, 2007-Mar 6, 2009).

I think it would be awesome to live to 100. I hope I'm only a fourth of the way through. I am already thoroughly convinced that I will not die of an illness of any kind. I'm never sick even a little bit--most of you hate me because of this. So unless the Big Guy decides to throw some irony my way (entirely plausible), I'm relatively certain my demise will come from old age, or an accident of some sort. Just a theory I have.

Other monotony:

- I had an entire blog written last night about the recent epidemic in collegiate football, with coaches losing jobs due to alleged misconduct toward players. Erased because I know few if any of my normal readers would have even cared. Short version: Big whoop. If you can't handle it, don't play. Sissies.

- Still haven't figured out how to put background music on my blog (as opposed to inserting video clips, etc). I'm hoping to figure that out soon, so y'all will have some regular background tunes to accompany your reading. If anyone knows how, or has some song suggestions, send them my way. Or if you'd prefer not having any...?

- I may not blog again until I finish my current book. Unless of course I come up with something more meaningful to say than what I've written lately. I've lagged behind a bit lately and am still only on page 93. Hopefully in the next week or so, I can knock out a much more substantial chunk of the book.

- NFL playoffs start today. My team went 7-9 and didn't make the playoffs, but it's still exciting stuff. If nothing else, something to get me closer to baseball season.

Do the right thing,


  1. Please continue blogging. Even though it takes me forever to read your blogs sometimes, I very much enjoy them. Also, I think you SHOULD put background music on here. I usually like your musical choices, so I hope you do.

  2. Thanks so much, Jen! You're too kind. :)

    I plan to put a song or 2 on the background if I can figure it out. I know it's possible because a friend of mine has it on hers. I just can't figure it out yet. Ha!

    Thanks for reading, yo.

  3. I am going to guess you won't live to be 100...sorry! I am sure you have heard the saying that it is the assholes that live forever - at least it seems that way. And you, my brother, are far from asshole status! (just bringing a little Frank Black for ya...I think it was his theory that the mean ones exist forever)

  4. HA! Thanks, sis...I think. :)

    There's also a country lyric--I don't expect you to know--"I'm gonna live forever if the good die young." Bah. Oh well, maybe I'll buck the trend!
