Actually, I'm pretty OK with my solitude most times... [Never thought I'd say that--I must be growing emotionally]... Or maybe people just bore me? That's got to be it. :)
Went for a run today--first time since my ankle injury. Got about 5 miles in. Felt surprisingly good until the last mile or so when my foot went numb. It happens. Shake it off and get back out there tomorrow--weather permitting.
With the ankle injury finally, almost, sort of, but not quite behind me, it's time to get back on the weight-loss trek. I've now gone 6 weeks without pop. Soda, if you prefer. Maybe that's part of the reason I didn't die running today? I miss it some, but still a long way to go...
Other habitual practices:
- I've done a really good job of not texting late at night since 2010 rolled around.
- I fell off the reading pace severely. In fact, I quit the book I was reading. It was good and I'll finish someday, but I think something fiction might pique my interest a bit more for now.
Tonight's task: Choose next book. *drumroll*
And the winner is: Hit and Run - Lawrence Block

I read Block's prequels to this one--Hit Man and Hit List--when I was in High School. The dude tells a compelling story. Owned this one for awhile, looking forward to cracking it open.
Runner up: Wild at Heart - John Eldredge

I've had this book for nearly 3 years. I read about 20 pages, but found it too difficult to get through--not because it has big words, but because of who gave it to me--my best friend. My goal is to suck it up, start anew and read it cover-to-cover once and for all before June 20 at 4:25 PM--which will be exactly 3 years after the date marked atop the handwritten letter that serves as its bookmark.
But first things first...a book about killing. How ironic is that? First, I'll read a book about people being killed. Then, a book about being saved. Neat, huh? *chuckle*
Do the right thing,
PS--The title to this blog post [in case you don't have your speakers on or are viewing this from your phone] is a lyric from the newest song I've added to the blog--Easy to Love by Sons of William. Genius song. Love that line, too. Actually might not make a bad replacement title for my blog page itself. Hmm...
Hmmm, I needed some new reads... may have to add these to my list :)