Sunday, October 31, 2010

[insert random clever title here]

To whom it may concern,

Two weeks in at new job. So far, so good. Definitely some intrigue of a few different varieties already. Some I could probably talk about if anyone is so inclined to hear...others, I'll keep to myself. [chuckle]

For this last week of October, I wore a pink ribbon pinned to my shirt each day. Took some flak for it, but I don't care. Pink t-shirt on Thursday night, too. Look, evidence...

Our home crowd at the High School game was clad in pink and pretty raucous for a 62-0 win to end the regular season. Players wore blue unis with pink numbers [and names] for the occasion, too. Pretty sweet.

Bulldogs head into the playoffs having outscored their opponents 473-36 in nine regular season games. Impressive.

However, I will miss the Regional game here at home on Tuesday vs. Ness City, due to working late. Dang it.

I don't really have a whole lot to say in this blog [go figure], but wanted to post something since I haven't since starting the new job. Also, it gave me incentive to change my layout off the the pink backdrop.

Note: People [ahem, girl(s)] who think they're going to get on my good side while badmouthing friends of mine... I think not.

Upcoming: Basketball league in Hutchinson starting next Sunday. Pretty pumped for that. Should be interesting.

Not much else to say at the moment. This one was pretty short. Maybe next time I'll have more to say. I need to try and blog on weekends, now that I'm working weekdays. Here's hoping!

Let me know what you think of the layout. It's kind of bland, but it occurred to me that maybe I've been too flashy in the past. Need to tone it down a bit. Any thoughts?

Happy Halloween.

Derrick, out.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Note to self...

Since last time...

Wednesday: Dislocated finger. Right pinkie. I've broken it 10 times. [yes, 10] But this was the first time I've ever dislocated anything. It was equal parts disgusting and awesome. Looked like the letter V. Neat, huh?

Friday: Pretty Prairie football rolled to a 48-0 win over Kiowa County [newly consolidated school of Greensburg-Haviland]. Their head coach is the brother of our head coach. Neat stuff. Was supposed to be a test, but our guys just keep getting better--it was over at halftime. Craziness.

Sunday: Bears win. Ugly wins are wins, too. 4-1? Okay!

Man, my weeks are bleak. Is that really all I have to talk about? Nah. Let's come up with something. I know y'all don't care about my sports talk. The few of you who actually [may] still read this thing are females anyway...

How about personal change? That one's a nice little recurring theme.

I've realized lately that I am, in fact, finally ready to date. Well, mentally anyway. Getting a job and feeling secure in at least one area helped with that notion, I think. Actually finding a girl [plural, perhaps?] willing to take a shot, though? Let's just say that next step is a doozy.

The factors that played into this conclusion are not ones that most people, particularly males, would probably feel comfortable discussing. But screw it.

Things I'm attempting to teach myself: [Warning: After school special-like thoughts to come...]

Dear Self,
1. No one is going to like you until you like yourself.
2. When a girl isn't interested...let it go. Stop trying to figure out why. It doesn't matter.
3. Stop trying to impress people. If you wanna grow a beard, eat a cookie, talk about sports, it.
4. Your happy dance is awesome. And hilarious. It would make people laugh if you ever did it in public.
5. You're 25, not 52. Act like it.

Just gotta remind myself of these things occasionally and I should be fine.


Streak time:
- 705 days without work [unless you count umpiring baseball during the summers] -- comes to an end in 7 days. Hooray.
- 605 days with no girlfriend -- still going. Screw it. It'll happen when it happens. Maybe.
- 219 days with no pop -- still going strong. Hooray.
- 17 days with no ice cream -- still going also. Not quite as impressive, but I was on a milkshake kick for awhile, so that had to go.

Keep streaking, (ha)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Girls Allowed. Unless you're cute. Then it's fine.

It's been a month since I blogged, so this one will be pretty random (not that most aren't)...until I can hopefully get back into the flow of things here soon.

Stuff and things...
- Got a job. This isn't exactly news, but I haven't told a ton of people. So it might be news to you.
- Decided to go with the pink on the layout for a few weeks--in spirit of Breast Cancer Awareness and all that jazz. Don't judge.
- At my pre-employment physical, Doc told me despite working out upwards of 10 times per week, I am 37-49 pounds overweight. Beyond depressing. Bright side: I'd bet everything I own that I could still outrun the guy, despite being twice his size.
- Today marks 7 months with no pop. And yes, I miss it

Sports stuff...
- Cubs are done. Bad, bad year to say the least. As per the Cubs motto: There's always next year.
- Pretty Prairie football is now 5-0. At Greensburg this week. I've never been, should be cool.
- Bulls PF Carlos Boozer out 6-8 weeks with broken finger. Ugh.
- Been playing a lot of touch football lately. Decent workout, kind of fun.
- Bears are 3-1. But that loss was uglier than...well, something that's really ugly.

Girl stuff...
- Took a bit of a risk the other day. Stepped out on a limb. Branch broke. Failed miserably. Metaphor.
- Talked to neighbor girl yesterday. Longest talk in ages. NG = girl ma thinks I should marry. Eye roll.
- My good buddy Bacon & I plan to start a club, build a fort, etc. "No girls allowed" signs, the whole 9. Seriously, y'all are a crazy bunch of ninnies sometimes. But I still love ya. [though sometimes I forget why]

Quote of the day:
"If you want to be loved, be lovable." - Ovid
