Day 28: INcompleteWeek 4: Complete
Morning session:
3.86Evening session:
5.17 milesTotal distance:
9.03 milesEarly session was short, since I didn't get out 'til 1:30 or so, and it was on the humid side, to say the least. Evening session was shorter than intended, too--
Cubs game at 7, y'know.
Just realized I only ran 10+ miles twice in the last 7 days.
Wow, that's bad. Ah, I guess it is near month's end; I've reached my goal, and am starting to feel some
extra soreness in the legs lately.
Week 4 stats:
59.06 miles--8.44 miles/day4.0 lbs lostJuly stats, up-to-date:329.42 miles--
11.77 miles/day
17.5 lbs lostComparison:
Week 1: 90.43 miles
Week 2: 73.20 milesWeek 3: 106.73 miles
Week 4: 59.06 miles
I'm on pace for 364.72 miles, with only 3 days remaining. But at this point, I'm kind of OK with the idea of just hitting the 350 mark. The pace fell off dramatically the last week, obviously. After nearly killing myself in Week 3, and reaching my goal on the 24th, I'm not as disappointed about it as I probably could be. Only regret I have is not having more week-to-week consistency.
Sports movie now:
A stupid, and vulgar flick by the creators of
South Park. But downright hilarious! Probably a guy's movie, though.

After that:
Happy Gilmore.
If you haven't seen it, shame on you. My best friend back in High School, Stacia and I, once recited each and every line from the movie, with the TV on
mute. Classic stuff. Wow, that was probably about 9 years ago. Man, how things change...
Nonetheless, great flick!

Tonight's Top 10 list:
Top 10 coolest things I've seen/discovered this month:
10. Watching almost nothing but sports movies for a month can make time go by faster than I thought it would.
9. It's really not all that hard to motivate yourself to do something once you set your mind to it. Those who think it is--aren't setting their minds to it. Plain and simple.
8. A month without the typical technological indulgences
--Facebook, MySpace, MSN, Yahoo--can actually be quite liberating.
For awhile.
7. The way it can sometimes pour rain from an almost impossibly clear sky. A beautiful sight.
6. The sunrise and sunset look different every single day, and
it never ceases to amaze me.
5. All the people who wave,
and some that don't, on country roads. People wave more
in the morning than at night. And
people in trucks wave more often than those in cars. I've done the research. Someone driving a truck in the morning? They'll wave almost every time. It's awesome.
4. A loose cow being startled upon seeing me, crossing the road, and hurdling the fence to return to its penned-in pasture. Solid hops for a cow, I thought.
3. A loose cow emerging from the trees, and staring me down in the middle of the road,
before running along with me for about 1/2 a mile.
2. A deer crossing the road as I ran,
not 10 feet in front of me.
1. It's been a great way of finding out who my true friends are. I have a lot of really shady ones, but a few great ones, too.
Bit of an old pic, but it cracks me up every time!
D, out.